Project Hospital
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Join date : 2020-10-09

[RESOLVED]Very minor bug - Hepatitis A treatments in wrong order Empty [RESOLVED]Very minor bug - Hepatitis A treatments in wrong order

Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:54 pm
When a patient receives a final diagnosis, the game usually reorders the available treatments so that the primary treatment is first in the list. It doesn't seem to do this with Hepatitis A, for which the primary treatment is "rest", where there are also treatments for other symptoms available.

Not using any mods, but I do like to control all my patients which is why I've noticed this. I'm afraid I don't have a save or screenshot from this because I don't have any patients with Hepatitis A at the moment, but if I get one before I receive a reply then I can update the post with what's necessary.
Posts : 605
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[RESOLVED]Very minor bug - Hepatitis A treatments in wrong order Empty Re: [RESOLVED]Very minor bug - Hepatitis A treatments in wrong order

Tue Oct 27, 2020 9:32 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
robsassy wrote:When a patient receives a final diagnosis, the game usually reorders the available treatments so that the primary treatment is first in the list. It doesn't seem to do this with Hepatitis A, for which the primary treatment is "rest", where there are also treatments for other symptoms available.

Not using any mods, but I do like to control all my patients which is why I've noticed this. I'm afraid I don't have a save or screenshot from this because I don't have any patients with Hepatitis A at the moment, but if I get one before I receive a reply then I can update the post with what's necessary.

Hi and thank you for your report and catching this one. It will be fixed in the next patch:)
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