Project Hospital
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Send patients home automatically if, after treating them, they have 5 stars at Discomfort Empty Send patients home automatically if, after treating them, they have 5 stars at Discomfort

Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:10 pm
For example when taking over all patients from the emergency department... please send patients home automatically after treating them if they have 5 stars at Discomfort. I waste a lot of time (2 clicks + unpause the game) in order to do this obvious action myself for patients who have finished the treatments.

TLDR: After I treat patients, send them home automatically if their Discomfort is gone.

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Join date : 2020-06-25

Send patients home automatically if, after treating them, they have 5 stars at Discomfort Empty Re: Send patients home automatically if, after treating them, they have 5 stars at Discomfort

Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:34 pm
Also please have the option to open (or go to) a character profile immediately when there's a notification about it. This save one click every few seconds if we're managing patients ourselves.
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