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[NEED MORE INFO]Patient is admitted twice, send her home but her duplicate still blocks TC bed Empty [NEED MORE INFO]Patient is admitted twice, send her home but her duplicate still blocks TC bed

Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:48 am
Had a patient with a intestine fistula that I had in TC, for some reason she blocked both my beds in TC. Even when transferred to another department and even when send to another hospital/home. I cannot remove the bed either as she is still blocking it.
[NEED MORE INFO]Patient is admitted twice, send her home but her duplicate still blocks TC bed Attachment Save gameYou don't have permission to download attachments.(1.3 Mb) Downloaded 1 times
[NEED MORE INFO]Patient is admitted twice, send her home but her duplicate still blocks TC bed Attachment logYou don't have permission to download attachments.(1 Kb) Downloaded 1 times
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[NEED MORE INFO]Patient is admitted twice, send her home but her duplicate still blocks TC bed Empty Re: [NEED MORE INFO]Patient is admitted twice, send her home but her duplicate still blocks TC bed

Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:03 pm
Labonnie wrote:Had a patient with a intestine fistula that I had in TC, for some reason she blocked both my beds in TC. Even when transferred to another department and even when send to another hospital/home. I cannot remove the bed either as she is still blocking it.

Hi and thank you for your report. This one is really strange. I was trying to reproduce it, but so far with no luck. Can you please give me additional information on how it might have happened? Was she transferred to different department by you or by doctor? Was there someone else with hew in the room?
What you can do at the moment is to wait a day (10th day midnight) and the bed will be automatically released and will stop blocking the TC.
Thank you for any additional information and we are sorry for the inconvenience
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