Project Hospital
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Join date : 2020-05-06

[MODDING NEED MORE INFO]Patient waiting [forever] for free examination room. Empty [MODDING NEED MORE INFO]Patient waiting [forever] for free examination room.

Wed May 06, 2020 4:11 pm
It happens randomly, but happens all the time. Hospitalized patient with examination(s) (even ones that don't require a lab, like "blood pressure" or "temperature measurement")  ordered (either manually or by the AI), shows state "waiting for a free examination room" and keeps on that state "forever". Sometimes, cancelling and ordering the procedure again will solve the problem, sometimes not. Sometimes, ordering a radiology procedure before the stuck one will solve, sometimes not.

- There are free diagnosis rooms.
- Patient's assigned doctor is idle.
- There are idle nurses assigned to patient care on the dpt.
- There are plenty of stretchers all around the place.

Save file attached, please have a look at patient Geordi Fuchs.
Posts : 605
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[MODDING NEED MORE INFO]Patient waiting [forever] for free examination room. Empty Re: [MODDING NEED MORE INFO]Patient waiting [forever] for free examination room.

Wed May 06, 2020 7:40 pm
cpeosphoros wrote:It happens randomly, but happens all the time. Hospitalized patient with examination(s) (even ones that don't require a lab, like "blood pressure" or "temperature measurement")  ordered (either manually or by the AI), shows state "waiting for a free examination room" and keeps on that state "forever". Sometimes, cancelling and ordering the procedure again will solve the problem, sometimes not. Sometimes, ordering a radiology procedure before the stuck one will solve, sometimes not.

- There are free diagnosis rooms.
- Patient's assigned doctor is idle.
- There are idle nurses assigned to patient care on the dpt.
- There are plenty of stretchers all around the place.

Save file attached, please have a look at patient Geordi Fuchs.

Hi and thank you for your save. Unfortunately I was unable to open that save, due to large number of mods. Does this issue happen even with the base game? After our recent updates and patches, it is possible that that some mod, mods or their combination can cause such issues.
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