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Join date : 2020-06-30

Problems with Internal Medicine dpt after update Empty Problems with Internal Medicine dpt after update

Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:06 pm
Hey there,

I am experiencing difficulties in diagnosis that used to require internal surgery.

They keep showing up with either requirement of a (now non-existant) internal surgery room or requiring "doctors/nurses"
who obviously cannot be surgeons or anesthaesists any more (at least not by setting their roles).

This happened in the latest cases for lung surgery and stapedectomy, but it ocurred before for several times, too.

Changing to other departments did not work. I was told, chirurgy and internal medicine would now work together in switching
patients automatically, but it doesn't work in so many cases.

Is that a known issue? Do you experience the same problems?

I do not use mods other than cosmetic ones.
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Join date : 2020-02-04

Problems with Internal Medicine dpt after update Empty Re: Problems with Internal Medicine dpt after update

Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:24 am
Following the big rebalance of the diagnosis and changes in the Internal medicine department, patients in need of lung surgery and stapedectomy should not spawn anymore. One of the causes of similar issues was incompatible mods (bedside exams, realistic collapses, etc). Though you have written already that you do not use those, it is usually worth to double-check in case you have used the aforementioned mods in the past.
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