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Join date : 2018-11-10

[OPEN LOW]can not build sonography unit even tho it asks for usg tech Empty [OPEN LOW]can not build sonography unit even tho it asks for usg tech

Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:32 am
some departments will not allow building of a sonography unit even though the department asks for usg technicians.. can you please fix this its extremely annoying to be asked to supply a tech that we can not make a room for!
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Join date : 2018-03-23

[OPEN LOW]can not build sonography unit even tho it asks for usg tech Empty Re: [OPEN LOW]can not build sonography unit even tho it asks for usg tech

Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:46 am
Clariti wrote:some departments will not allow building of a sonography unit even though the department asks for usg technicians.. can you please fix this its extremely annoying to be asked to supply a tech that we can not make a room for!
Hi and thank you for reporting this. This is a known issue and we plan to improve the management mode to make it more clear and straightforward.
On other note the USG technicians are actually not needed to make hospitalization functional, so this should not block your progress trough the game. Have a great day
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