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[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]  Bug Report - X-Ray tech gets 'stuck' when x-ray scheduled from Observation Empty [RESOLVED NOT A BUG] Bug Report - X-Ray tech gets 'stuck' when x-ray scheduled from Observation

Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:24 pm
Hello there all,

I've encountered an issue with x-ray procedures being scheduled for patients that are under observation.

I can now reproduce the issue as well:
- Patient is under observation and is in their bed on the first floor.
- Scheduling an x-ray procedure while patient is in under observation
- voila! Tech remains in "reserved for procedure" status, with the patient never making it to the room.

I've also got my save-file for you here. Smile  

[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]  Bug Report - X-Ray tech gets 'stuck' when x-ray scheduled from Observation Attachment
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[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]  Bug Report - X-Ray tech gets 'stuck' when x-ray scheduled from Observation Empty Re: [RESOLVED NOT A BUG] Bug Report - X-Ray tech gets 'stuck' when x-ray scheduled from Observation

Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:49 pm
Hello - thanks for the report, but actually it isn't bug. The thing is that you have only one nurse at nurses station, and if you open her employee card you will notice that she does not have checked roles " patient care " and" patient transfers " - that means that nobody can transfer patient from observation room to x-ray room.

Regarding the xray technologist - he will be reserved for procedures by others patients.
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Join date : 2018-10-31

[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]  Bug Report - X-Ray tech gets 'stuck' when x-ray scheduled from Observation Empty Re: [RESOLVED NOT A BUG] Bug Report - X-Ray tech gets 'stuck' when x-ray scheduled from Observation

Thu Nov 01, 2018 7:39 pm
Oh wow! That makes a heck of a lot of sense! Very Happy

Thanks a lot for the replay and the clarification!
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[RESOLVED NOT A BUG]  Bug Report - X-Ray tech gets 'stuck' when x-ray scheduled from Observation Empty Re: [RESOLVED NOT A BUG] Bug Report - X-Ray tech gets 'stuck' when x-ray scheduled from Observation

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