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Join date : 2020-11-01

Restroom stalls Empty Restroom stalls

Tue Nov 03, 2020 4:47 pm
Where can I find the option for restroom stalls in build mode?
Posts : 25
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Join date : 2020-02-04

Restroom stalls Empty Re: Restroom stalls

Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:54 am
Hi, switch to Building mode -> Constructions and floors -> Build walls -> Restroom walls

Than Building mode -> Doors and windows -> WC doors

Or you can use prefabs for the whole bathroom

Building mode -> Prefabs -> any Department template -> you can find prefab for bathroom in every Templates for department option.

You can also copy a part of the once built room (whole room/several rooms at once)

Building mode -> Prefabs -> Copy /create a prefab

Hope it helps :-).
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