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[OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item Empty [OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item

Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:49 pm
Problem: I got a persistent toolbox item with the caption 'New Text' that kept floating over my actual toolbar and obscuring it. It didn't stop me interacting with it, but especially the label was essentially doubling up the text. Note that the item/tool stayed even when the toolbar was not visible!

Reproduce: no idea, only had it that one time but it stayed for hours (until I used 'Exit to main menu', then reloading fixed it). Look at the screenshot, over the toolbox in the top left, for an example.
[OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item Attachment
Floating Text.jpg Screenshot of the problem (see top left, over/inside the toolbox)You don't have permission to download attachments.(1.1 Mb) Downloaded 5 times
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[OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item

Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:19 pm
I had the same today in the menu as well.
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[OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item

Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:26 pm
Hello, thanks for the report - could you please upload saved game file and output log when you will experience this same issue?
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[OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item

Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:51 am
Will do if it happens again, but please note that reloading a save game seemed to resolve the issue (so it's not part of the save, but part of the running game/ui state I guess).
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[OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item Empty Re: [OPEN LOW] Persistent 'New Text' floating toolbox item

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