Project Hospital
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Improved efficiency for staff/departments  Empty Improved efficiency for staff/departments

Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:55 pm
It would be fantastic to have an anesthesiology department. It’s an old suggestion that I didn’t like before but I have 6 ORs with 2 to 3 anesthesiologists per department per shift which is costing me a ton, and they do on average one surgery per day even though I have lots of surgeons and a long wait list of patients.

Having Anesthesia providing coverage hospital wide would be very helpful.

Also having “reception” serving hospital wide service would be helpful rather than each department.

Shared wards would be great.

Shared call rooms would be a nice space saving option.

I haven’t tried The trauma dlc yet but I’m hoping this will respect the so called “golden hour” and will get some of my emergency patients treated to into surgery faster.
From the time EMS shows up they get a tour of the hospital and admitted to the ward to wait for hours before going into surgery.

It should also be much faster to administer medication. I can order three separate medications at once and it take an hour for them to all be completed.

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Improved efficiency for staff/departments  Empty Re: Improved efficiency for staff/departments

Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:43 am
Hi @nanook, your ICU doctors can act as an anesthesiologist for any department if you weren't already aware, which helps give the hospital a bit of global coverage but I definitely love your suggestion. Hopefully something the developers and modders can look at in the future.
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