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Mod support for custom portrait options and character tex? Empty Mod support for custom portrait options and character tex?

Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:10 pm
Hi there, I'm new to modding. I was wondering if there is mod support for adding custom portrait options, like adding a new hair style, eyes, nose, etc, also for it to show in animations
I know how to replace existing ones by editing the atlas file, but is it possible to add new ones? And if it is, can somebody guide me through it? Very Happy Embarassed

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Location : Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

Mod support for custom portrait options and character tex? Empty Re: Mod support for custom portrait options and character tex?

Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:24 am
Hi @krissm69 James here, creator of ENT, unfortunately you can't currently mod characters or add new custom portraits. Sad
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