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To be able to change department from USI (ICU) Empty To be able to change department from USI (ICU)

Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:42 pm
Well, just a question. To be able to get out or change depatment from Intensiv care unit:

Must we :

have all symptoms treated ?

or only the symptoms which danger is High ?

Thank you
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Join date : 2018-10-31

To be able to change department from USI (ICU) Empty Re: To be able to change department from USI (ICU)

Sat Nov 10, 2018 6:51 pm
I found you cant order any treatment or diagnostics from icu. they sit there until the end up getting transferred or die its driving me nuts!
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To be able to change department from USI (ICU) Empty Re: To be able to change department from USI (ICU)

Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:42 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
A patient will stay in ICU until he/she is treated and signed out of hospital, or die. You cannot transfer out of ICU to another department currently because you cannot degrade the type of care given to a patient, ICU being the highest level.
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To be able to change department from USI (ICU) Empty Re: To be able to change department from USI (ICU)

Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:45 am
That's no quite true. Patients who are put in ICU will be checked during Doctors Rounds (start of day shift) and if found to be stable will be sent to HDU wards. You can't manually request the patient be checked, it can only happen automatically once at the start of each day. I don't know what requirements there are since I always treat everything on ICU patients manually. But there is at least some time requirement. If you treat an ICU patient during the night they won't be considered stable once the day shift starts, they have to spent some minimum amount of time recovering first.
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To be able to change department from USI (ICU) Empty Re: To be able to change department from USI (ICU)

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